Bachelor of Economics
University of New England (UNE)
Course Details
The world's economies, living standards, commercial and political systems are at the heart of the study of economics. Economics involves weighing up choices and alternatives and seeing how they impact upon businesses, societies and individuals. By applying quantitative analysis to current issues and trends, economists can develop and model scenarios to predict possible results and make recommendations on how to respond to produce the best outcomes. You will look at how modern economies operate - how they trade and grow, the role of prices, supply and demand, and how business and government both affect and are affected by the economy. The insights economists provide allow organisations and individuals to plan and make better decisions for the future. You will develop analytical skills to enable you to consider both quantitative and policy-based economic issues - practical skills and knowledge that can be then adapted to a range of careers.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 144 credit points