Master of Teaching Secondary
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Course Details
Make a difference in young people's lives with a Master of Teaching Secondary. If you already hold a bachelor degree in a relevant field other than education, this course will enable you to become a teacher in two years. Study either online or on campus, part-time or full-time, with additional flexibility to switch between study modes. On graduating, you will be eligible to register as a teacher in middle, secondary and senior colleges, in all states and territories in Australia. Graduate ready to plan and deliver engaging experiences for different learning styles and be prepared for new and changing educator roles. You will develop your awareness of the environmental and cultural influences on teaching and learning and explore the needs of learners and communities with diverse linguistic and cultural orientations, including Indigenous learners. Choose to specialize in your area of prior qualification in: English, Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, Digital Technologies, Languages, and Languages Other Than English, Sciences, Humanities (history, geography, Indigenous studies) or Business (accounting, economics, business studies, legal studies) Mathematics Apply your learning with 60 days of professional experience in middle, secondary and senior colleges. As a teacher, your levels of personal literacy and numeracy will be broadly equivalent to the top 30% of the Australian population.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)