Master of Teaching - Secondary
Avondale University
Course Details
The Master of Teaching (Secondary) course is for eligible graduates of a bachelor degree who desire to transition into a teaching career. The Master of Teaching (Secondary) (MTch (Sec)) is a graduate entry teaching course, offered on-campus or via distance education. It is designed to produce graduate teachers who are reflective, creative and confident in the classroom, and to equip students with the necessary skills to teach in Christian, independent and state high school systems both in Australia and overseas. The course provides the opportunity to explore and critically analyse a wide range of educational literature and research to examine the application of these findings to professional practice. Throughout the course, you will engage in practical experience opportunities in a variety of relevant high school environments.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Sixteen 6-credit point units (96 credits points) normally studied over four semesters full-time or the equivalent part-time.