Master of Teaching (Primary)
University of Wollongong
Course Details
The Master of Teaching (Primary) is for university graduates from non-teaching courses who want to become primary school teachers (Kindergarten to Year 6). This degree produces high quality teachers with an understanding of diversity in the classroom and with strong connections to school communities. You will build teaching skills through professional experience immersion programs starting within the first month and then weekly blocks throughout the degree. You will complete 60 days of professional experience (PEX), including the option to complete one PEX in a rural or remote area of NSW. Your learning will be supported by on campus tutorials, pre-recorded and in-person lectures, in school activities, forums, and online teaching. You will benefit from the expertise of local teachers and a range of workshops to develop your skills in communication, technology enhanced learning, working with parents, designing assessments, and conducting school-based research.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 96 Credit points