Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Griffith University
Course Details
The Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) provides academic and pedagogical foundations for professionals who are or will be involved in work that focuses on the learning and teaching of English as a second or foreign language. The degree provides a qualification in the teaching of English in a variety of contexts with a strong focus on teaching in the Asia-Pacific region.The program content is internationalised and intercultural, focusing on the development of a knowledge base and analytical skills that will enable graduates to operate in a range of roles involving the need to understand how second and foreign languages are learned. The course includes an independent study component requiring the knowledge and application of research principles and practices relating to professional work or learning in TESOL.Please note that this program does not lead to teacher registration with the Queensland College of Teachers.DurationThe Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages offers a range of different durations depending on your previous studies:You may be eligible to complete this program in 2 years full time, or part-time equivalent, if you have: Bachelor, any disciplineYou may be eligible to complete this program in 1.5 years full time, or part-time equivalent (with 40 credit points of advanced standing) if you have: Bachelor, related discipline ORGraduate Certificate, related disciplineYou may be eligible to complete this program in 1 year full time, or part-time equivalent (with 80 credit points of advanced standing), if you have: Bachelor Honours, related discipline ORGraduate Diploma, related discipline
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)