Master of Research - Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
Course Details
Students in this program will develop knowledge of research methodology and techniques appropriate to their field of study, and experience in the application of such methodology by conducting a specified program of research under appropriate supervision. In addition, they will develop skills in analysing literature and engaging in debate in the substantive area of the thesis topic at an advanced level. The Master of Research offers students the opportunity to undertake supervised research in the related discipline of their choice. Candidates develop a range of skills, including independent thinking, project management, data analysis and critical thinking, as well as refined communication skills. The program fosters the development of independent research skills, making it ideal preparation for those looking to undertake further research through a PhD program and/or pursue a career in research. A Master of Research candidate will undertake supervised research with the aim of completing a major thesis that demonstrates mastery of inquiry in a field of a discipline or profession.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Research)
Course structure: Must satisfactorily complete 112.5 cp credit points of study and a minor thesis: Seven core units of study (112.5 credit points); One minor thesis of 20,000 words