Master of Public Health
UNSW Sydney
Course Details
This program provides preparation for education, research and service in all aspects of public health. The program includes study in epidemiology, quantitative and qualitative research methods, health services management, health promotion, development and education in health, as well as a systematic review of topical public health issues. It is designed to address the continuing education needs of specialists in public health as well as providing a general orientation to public health issues and methods for the health professions.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 48 units of credit: 18 units of credit core courses (Health Promotion and Social Perspectives of Health, Foundations in Public Health and Health Care Systems, Epidemiology and Statistics for Public Health); elective courses (30 units). Students can choose to complete a general degree or specialise in one 8 specialised areas in public health.
This degree is available in face to face mode, in distance mode or a mixture between face to face and distance mode.