Master of Professional Accounting / Master of Business Law
Monash University
Course Details
In this double degree, you will develop your knowledge and expertise in accounting and develop the skills to address the wide range of legal issues that arise in contemporary business. You have the opportunity to focus on specific fields of accounting practice, including accounting information systems, financial accounting, forensic accounting, auditing and management accounting, alongside study of the legal environment and its impact on business practice in corporate governance, financial regulation, Asian and international business, human resources and workplace relations, marketing and taxation. The course is designed for non-law and non-accounting graduates and for those who need specialist legal knowledge in their roles, such as those in regulatory, compliance or risk-management positions, who want to combine this knowledge with an advanced accounting qualification. The course is taught by a team of qualified academic staff, and includes guest lectures and workshops from industry experts and leading practitioners, to ensure your knowledge reflects current practice. A Master of Professional Accounting and Business Law will make you a good candidate for a wide variety of business positions, including more specialist roles in compliance, risk management, regulation, auditing and financial accounting.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Double degree courses include all the features of the component degree courses, except that electives may be reduced or redirected. Depending upon prior qualifications, students may receive credit for part of the course. The Master of Professional Accounting and the Master of Business Law are each structured in three parts, Part A. Advanced preparatory studies, Part B. Mastery knowledge and Part C. Application studies.
Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master's course: Graduate Certificate in Business after successful completion of 24 credit points of study with a minimum of 18 credit points at level 4 or above; Graduate Diploma in Business after successful completion of 48 credit points of study with a minimum of 36 credit points at level 4 or above; Master of Professional Accounting after successful completion of 96 credit points of study including all of the requirements for Part A, Part B and Part C for the single degree; Master of Business Law after successful completion of 96 credit points of study including all of the requirements for Part A, Part B and Part C for the single degree.