Master of Professional Accounting and Business Law
Monash University
Course Details
The course is designed for non-law and non-accounting graduates and for those who need specialist legal knowledge in their roles, such as those in regulatory, compliance or risk-management positions, who want to combine this knowledge with an advanced accounting qualification. The course is taught by a team of qualified academic staff, and includes guest lectures and workshops from industry experts and leading practitioners, to ensure your knowledge reflects current practice. Start of expanded content. A Master of Professional Accounting and Business Law will make you a good candidate for a wide variety of business positions, including more specialist roles in compliance, risk management, regulation, auditing and financial accounting.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Students must complete 96 points and the course is structured in three parts: four units in Part A. Advanced preparatory studies (24 points), eight units in Part B. Mastery knowledge (48 points) and four units in Part C. Application studies (24 points). Students admitted at entry level 1 complete 96 points, comprising Parts A, B and C. Students admitted at entry level 2 complete 72 points, comprising Part B and C. Students admitted at entry level 3 complete 48 points comprising Part B. Note: Students eligible for credit for prior studies may elect not to receive the credit and complete the higher credit-point option.
This course also offers a research pathway if students are interested in pursing a PhD. Students wishing to undertake the research pathway must maintain at least a 70 WAM and be accepted for entry by the Course Coordinator and Higher Degrees by Research Director. Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with Graduate Certificate of Business or the Graduate Diploma of Business, provided they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master's course.