Master of Planning
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Master of Planning provides a new career path for design, planning and property professionals, equipping graduates with a broad understanding of planning issues alongside the negotiation skills and creative thinking required to resolve them. Whereas planning has often been seen as an approval process, UTS approaches the discipline as a critical task, one that connects communities with governments, institutions and developers. UTS firmly believes the best planners don't just apply existing regulations. UTS graduates are creative problem solvers and negotiators, able to work effectively in teams and with stakeholders to deliver workable solutions to complex residential, commercial and infrastructure development problems.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: The course requires the completion of 72 credit points.
The degree enables professionals to change careers due to the multidisciplinary nature of the learning. Graduates are in public sector positions, including working for state and local government, and in private consulting and property development firms. There are also careers in strategic planning on major developments and projects, master planning with financial analysis, and the increasingly important area of sub-regional planning.