Master of Pharmacy (International)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Master of Pharmacy (International) is an accredited three-year graduate-entry degree. The course is an Australian first, extending the Master of Pharmacy (C04252) program to include a one-year overseas clinical placement. This allows students to expand their knowledge even further, gaining practice-based experience of pharmacy in a global context and an understanding of the international factors that influence pharmacy practice and healthcare provision. Overseas clinical placements include those in Canada, Germany or the United Kingdom.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: This course comprises a total of 144 credit points. Students undertake a total of 16 6-credit-point subjects, four 6-credit-point clinical subjects and two 12-credit-point international placement subjects. The course is an intensive three-year, full-time degree including a one-year international placement. In addition to coursework during sessions, students are required to undertake weekly clinical placements during session and block clinical placements during mid-session breaks.
International students should apply via UTS: International.