Master of Marketing
RMIT University
Course Details
Through the Master of Marketing, you will understand the role of marketing and its relationship with other important functional areas in management to get an all-of-business view, and develop appropriate marketing tactics and strategies.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: The Master of Marketing comprises five core subjects and a total of eleven elective subjects. In the first year of this degree, you will undertake four core subjects that span marketing management, consumer behaviour, communication strategy, and market research. You will also select four elective subjects that allow you to hone your understanding of brand strategy, marketing analytics, international marketing, customer experience design, and more. In the second year of study, you will complete a total of seven elective subjects -- five from marketing, and two from the wider university postgraduate elective list -- and the capstone subject Strategic Marketing.
This program can be studied online through RMIT Online. The program enhances opportunities to obtain promotion and more senior positions; be more effective in a marketing role; and contribute more to specific marketing activities.