Master of Management
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Master of Management provides knowledge, skills and conceptual frameworks to enable students to identify and address a broad range of issues characterising the working environments of senior managers - that is, in conditions of complexity and uncertainty, where judgment and related accountabilities are defining capabilities. Students acquire the conceptual and analytical skills necessary for successful management performance in a range of contexts, including the business, public and non-for-profit sectors, and a variety of professional settings. The course provides students with knowledge and experiences to enhance their professional/public responsibilities in leading, managing, and the stewardship of resources and the enterprises. An innovative, flexible structure provides students with maximum choice in selecting subjects and programs of study tailored to meet their personal and professional needs. The Master of Management is designed to meet the needs of individuals, client organisations and professional bodies for management education. Career options include management-level positions in industry or government.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: All students must complete a total of 72 credit points made up of 12 subjects, comprising 4 core subjects (24 credit points), a specialisation in management comprising 5 subjects (30 credit points) and 3 elective subjects (18 credit points).
This course replaces the Master of Business in Management. It is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Management, the Graduate Diploma in Management, and the Master of Management.