Master of Management - Business Analytics (DMMX)
University of South Australia
Course Details
Advance your career as a data-driven decision maker and leader byextending your skills in management theory and business intelligence.Learn how to unpack complex organisational data, find new insights intooperational efficiency and growth, and effectively communicate findings.Prepare for industry 4.0 by gaining the expertise to analyse datasets, identifytrends, and provide the valuable insights that help drive organisationalcompetitive advantage. Delve into the future of big data and explore areassuch as business ethics, data privacy, enterprise analytics and machinelearning for business professionals. Join one of our mentor programs forindustry insights and expert advice from a senior business leader, undertakean optional industry internship, complete an industry project or completean overseas study experience. Benefit from flexible learning options to bestsuit your needs and discover ways to fast-track your studies.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 54 units