Master of Health Research
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Course Details
The Master of Health Research will equip you with advanced knowledge and skills in health research design and practice, including the ability to plan and implement a substantial research project. Unique features of the course include learning from acclaimed Menzies School of Health Research professionals and supervisors in the specialist areas of Indigenous health, public health and global health. You will acquire theoretical and practical capabilities in: epidemiology; biostatistics; quantitative and qualitative research methods. Following completion of the Master of Health Research you may proceed, with approval, to Higher Degree Research (PhD) training. Career opportunities for graduates include the areas of health research and professional public health practice. This course requires a high level of academic reading and writing. If you are not confident in your academic literacy skills you are encouraged to fully utilize the University's academic support services. Students in this course are enrolled in CDU units, as CDU students. Educators from Menzies School of Health Research coordinate and deliver the course.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)