Master of Environmental Engineering Management
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
This course is designed to enable engineers and other technical specialists to take a leadership role in the field of environmental engineering and management. The course deals with the broad aspects of environmental management relevant to practising professionals in engineering science, planning, architecture, law, surveying, health and building. Engineers, scientists, town planners and other professionals working in this field have a compelling duty to ensure that the adverse effects of development on the total environment are minimised. The duration of this course is one and a half years, however applicants with a recognised bachelor's degree in engineering are eligible for credit recognition of up to four subjects and are thus able to complete the course in one year on a full-time basis. The course combines a set of key subjects that contain information on the nature of environmental problems together with engineering techniques for their solution. This is supplemented by management and policy subjects to empower the engineer, or technical specialist, to lead multidisciplinary teams working in the field of environmental engineering and management. The subjects offered in this course follow an integrated approach to professional practice through compulsory professional engineering subjects, compulsory subjects relevant to environmental engineering management major, an independent graduate project and a set of electives (any engineering or IT subject, some with prior approval).
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Candidates complete coursework subjects and an independent engineering graduate project, totalling 72 credit points of study. The project component consists of a preparatory subject and a project and is typically undertaken after completing one session's worth of coursework. Elective subjects are to be chosen from postgraduate subjects offered within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology; some subjects may require prior approval based on access conditions.
The course is made up of subjects that provide students with flexibility. Classes are usually held in standard mode (weekly attendance) or block mode (attend classes only two or three times during the session per subject). Some subjects may be available in distance mode.