Master of Engineering Management
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Master of Engineering Management (MEM) is an opportunity for engineers, technical specialists and non-technical professionals to build and stretch their managerial skills and integrate their business and technical knowledge. The MEM has been specifically designed to emphasise the interface between engineering, technology and management. The integration of carefully tailored coursework and an independent project delivers graduates who understand the professional, societal and environmental context and have developed a range of management and engineering capabilities to respond to it.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: Students complete coursework subjects and an independent engineering graduate project, totalling 72 credit points of study. The project component consists of a preparatory subject and a project (in the area of engineering management) and is typically undertaken after completing one session's worth of coursework. Elective subjects are to be chosen from postgraduate subjects offered within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology; some subjects may require prior approval based on access conditions.
This course is also offered offshore in two locations. In Hong Kong through the Hong Kong Management Association in Modern Standard Chinese and English. It is also available in Shanghai through the Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce, Shanghai University in Modern Standard Chinese.