Master of Dispute Resolution
University of Newcastle
Course Details
The Master of Dispute Resolution is focussed on initiatives to encourage graduates to make a difference by improving conflict resolution understandings, skills and options, supporting excellence and encouraging the growth of PhD students in this vibrant area. Having quality, professionally-focused multi-disciplinary postgraduate coursework offerings accords with the strategic trajectory of the University of Newcastle. The Master of Dispute Resolution Program will be ideal for professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and experience to improve their skills and abilities and enhance their professional development. Graduates of this program will be equipped with advanced knowledge and skills, positioning them to engage in further education, research, professional practice and professional development in Australia and across the world.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: The Master of Dispute Resolution is an AQF level 9 compliant program. Students will be required to complete a total of 80 units, comprising 8 directed courses to attain the award.