Master of Development Studies
The University of Melbourne
Course Details
The Master of Development Studies provides specialist training in the fields of development and environment, development and gender, development and urbanization, and health policy and development. Refine your transferable skills in critical analysis, communication, cross-cultural understanding, research methods, project design, project management and teamwork. At professional practice seminars, research workshops, careers events, and alumni get-togethers, you can rub shoulders with top-notch policy makers and experts in the international development sector. While in your studies you can engage with debt and poverty, microfinance, culture and human rights, migration and transnationalism, food and environmental security, civil society organizations, and gender relations.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 200 point program (2 years full-time or part-time equivalent); Two compulsory subjects (25 points); Four core subjects (50 points)