Master of Business
Monash University
Course Details
The course addresses all facets of business development, and provides a solid foundation for those without business experience. It connects research and practice to make you a stronger communicator and problem-solver, and will broaden your understanding of management and business ethics. The strong reputation of Monash Business School means our graduates are highly sought after, both in Australia and overseas. Graduates of the course pursue careers across the spectrum of business, including roles in human resources, management, marketing, science and commercialisation, project management, risk management or logistics. You have the option to do a mix of units youre passionate about and keep your studies broad (note: some units may have prior learning requirements), or you can choose units to tailor your study to a specific area of business.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: The course comprises 96 points structured into three parts: Part A Advanced preparatory studies (24 points), Part B Mastery knowledge (60 points) and Part C Application studies (12 points). Students admitted at entry level 1 complete 96 points, comprising Parts A, B and C. Students admitted at entry level 2 complete 72 points, comprising Parts B and C. Students admitted at entry level 3 complete 48 points, comprising of selected parts of Part B and C. Note: Students eligible for credit for prior studies may elect not to receive the credit and complete the higher credit-point option.
Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with Graduate Certificate of Business or the Graduate Diploma of Business, provided they have satisfied the requirements for that award during their enrolment in this master's course.