Master of Business Analytics
Western Sydney University
Course Details
The ever increasing amount of data in the business world today requires that businesses make sense of the flow of information if they are to hold a competitive edge in the market. The Master of Business Analytics offers a course of study on how to manage effectively in a data driven world. The program focuses on business analytics rather than just data analytics. It has a strong applications focus covering the nature of data including Big and Unstructured Data and how to embark on data driven investigations and visual and computational analytics. Application of the analytic tools and frameworks in order to examine strategic business and market options and to realise their profit potential are also discussed in this course.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 80 credit points.
Work experience will require validation by the relevant employer and cannot be used both as a means of admission and as the basis of an application for advanced standing. Work experience will be evaluated to assess whether prospective students have demonstrated a verifiable capability in management such that they are enabled to undertake the discipline-specific learning contained in this Masters-level course. This criterion is impacted directly by the requirements of a curriculum that addresses AQF Level 9 knowledge and skill outcomes including a stipulation that graduates have cognitive skills to demonstrate mastery of theoretical knowledge in management and to reflect critically on theory and professional practice or scholarship.