Master of Actuarial Studies (Extension)
UNSW Sydney
Course Details
The Master of Actuarial Studies (Extension) program is ideal for those with a bachelor degree in mathematics, statistics or econometrics wanting to acquire specialist knowledge and skills to enter the actuarial profession. The program covers the professional actuarial subjects (Part I and Part II) recognised by Actuaries Institute in Australia. Students may also have the opportunity to obtain Part III (ST9 Enterprise Risk Management) exemption. Note: Engineering graduates with a strong background in mathematics/statistics may be considered for this program.
Qualification: Master Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 16 courses (96 UOC): 4 core courses and 12 elective courses
Applicants planning to study this program in Semester 2 need to have the required background in actuarial studies. Those with a very strong background in Econometrics, Mathematics (including Financial Mathematics) or Statistics may be allowed to commence the program in Semester 2, as determined by the UNSW Business School. Please contact the School prior to lodging an application to determine the required background to study this program in Semester 2.