Australian GovernmentStudy Australia
Excelsia University College

Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching (Birth to 5)

Course Details

The Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching (Birth to 5) engages with fundamental education concepts from a comprehensive Christian world view. In doing so, course content and assessment address the nature of reality, origin, methods, and limits of human reasoning and intelligence, and beliefs about values underpinning education. The fusion of academic, practical and Christian perspectives will contribute to the preparation of well-rounded early childhood education professionals. The main intended outcome is to produce life-ready graduates. In addition, due to the Christian values and beliefs that underpin the course, a further integral intended outcome is that graduates should show and share caring, empathy and ways of educating creatively, consistent with Excelsia’s graduate attributes.The Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching (Birth to 5) has been designed to meet the recommended workload and outcome descriptors for AQF Level 8 (graduate diploma). The design is also informed by ACECQA requirements for early childhood teachers with a view to preparing teachers with high-quality conceptual and practical skills to function effectively in early childhood centres and meet national and local requirements and standards.

Qualification: Graduate Diploma

Course structure: 48 credit points