Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management
Flinders University
Course Details
The Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management requires 1 year of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. The course articulates with the 18 unit Graduate Certificate in Archaeology and the 72 unit Master of of Archaeology and Heritage Management, and the sequentially developed topics enable progression through the three awards. The course is also available as an exit award from the 72 unit Master of Archaeology and Heritage Management - 2 years, subject to meeting the requirements in the Program of Study below. In order to be able to exit with the Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management students must indicate their intention to not to proceed with their degree and request that they exit with the Graduate Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management.
Qualification: Graduate Diploma
Course structure: Students complete two core (compulsory) topics and six option topics chosen from an extensive range of option topics available. These topics aim to provide students with the opportunity to increase the theoretical knowledge and applied skills required to develop appropriate depth of understanding of issues in a number of related specialisations in archaeology and/or cultural heritage management as well as provide students the opportunity to further their knowledge in interest areas such as tourism, environmental studies and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).