Doctor of Philosophy Integrated (Information Science)
University of Wollongong
Course Details
The Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) is a four-year research degree which incorporates a traditional three-year PhD thesis with one year of coursework subjects, combining generic research training and discipline-specific content into a single degree. The coursework, which is undertaken in the first year of the degree, comprises research training skills and individual coursework subjects. Research skills are tailored for each faculty, but typically include: research methodology; literature review, critical analysis, or laboratory projects; and advanced topics or a minor research project. The individual subjects are normally chosen from options within the Masters by Coursework degrees within the relevant faculty, thereby allowing students to obtain deeper content knowledge in a specific discipline area. International students intending to become university researchers and teachers in their home country will benefit from exposure to Australian teaching methods through these subjects.
Qualification: Doctor Degree (By Coursework)
Course structure: 192 Credit points