Doctor of Philosophy, Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University (ANU)
Course Details
The Australian National University provides PhD students with a vibrant research community and outstanding program support. When selecting a research program, an institution's reputation is everything. ANU is one of the world's leading universities, and the smart choice for your research program. As a PhD student you will work with increased independence, under the direction of a supervisory panel of experts in the field. Your research will make an original and important contribution to human knowledge, research and development.
Qualification: Doctor Degree (By Research)
Course structure: The main content of your Fenner School PhD is a significant, original research project carried out in any of the many areas of environmental research covered by the School. Your research is supervised by a panel comprising a primary supervisor and at least two other faculty members, often covering two or more disciplines, and it typically lasts 3–3.5 years full-time, or part-time equivalent. External researchers, often from government agencies for policy-related research, serve on many panels as supervisors or advisors. You normally plan and develop your research with much initial help of your primary supervisor, and then take an increasingly independent role as you progress.