Diploma of Health Sciences
La Trobe College Australia
Course Details
This program is a pathway to second year of a wide range of courses in health offered at La Trobe University. It is an introduction to an understanding of health and disability and how best to improve health, considering our bodies, our communities, our environment and our workplaces.
Qualification: Diploma
Course structure: This diploma program is based on the core first year of La Trobe University's Bachelor of Health Sciences. During the program students will study 6 units from the common first year, along with 2 new units that are designed to help develop the academic skills needed for further study in health sciences. Subjects include: Human Biosciences A; Human Biosciences B; Communicating in Health Sciences; Introduction to Professional Practice; Research and Evidence in Health Sciences; Learning in Health Sciences; Individual Determinants of Health; Social Determinants of Health; Introduction to Nursing Assessment (Nursing pathway only)