Certificate IV in Interior Decoration - MSF40122
Holmesglen Institute
Course Details
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who provide advice and practical assistance on the finishing and furnishing of existing interior spaces. They may work in retail, consulting and building businesses as interior decorators or colour consultants. Individuals in this role are typically involved in: working with clients and other building and design professionals and suppliers research and analysis of the client\u2019s goals and requirements planning, designing and arranging space interior styling specifying finishes and furnishings selection of colours specifications and purchasing. Decorators use a broad range of specialised and technical knowledge and skills, and they research and compare information from diverse sources to develop decoration solutions. They also use well-developed communication skills, and may provide some leadership and guidance to others. There are no specific licences that relate to this qualification. However, depending on the jurisdiction, licensing or regulatory requirements may apply to the use of some units in this qualification. Local regulations should be checked for details. Work may require access to construction sites and require construction induction training and certification covered by the unit CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. Local regulations should also be checked for requirements.
Qualification: Certificate IV