Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology - MSS40222
TAFE International Western Australia
Course Details
This qualification specifies the competencies required to conduct environmental sampling, testing and monitoring in a variety of industries and contexts, including but not limited to:environmental monitoring, sampling and field testing (e.g. air, water, soil and rocks)geotechnical servicesnatural resource managementwater supply and treatment, and storm and wastewater managementsolid and hazardous waste management.This qualification applies to environmental assistants, environmental technicians and similar personnel typically employed by enterprises, service providers, non-government organisations or Commonwealth, state/territory/local governments. Many of these employees are engaged in the monitoring of environmental impacts at industrial sites. They operate monitoring equipment, collect samples and conduct tests in the field and/or at site laboratories. Other employees may collect a range of field data relating to the suitability of land, levels of water use and similar factors and process and present these data using geographical information systems (GIS) software.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Qualification: Certificate IV