Certificate III in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - UEE32220
Course Details
This qualification covers competencies to select components, install, set up, test, fault find, repair and maintain refrigeration systems and equipment that apply to food storage and preservation, and air conditioning and air distribution equipment in buildings and premises. It includes regulatory requirements for purchasing and handling refrigerants.Competency development activities in this qualification are subject to regulations directly related to licencing. A relevant contract of training through an apprenticeship or relevant employment may be required to enable the application of the required knowledge and skills to on the job work activities and environments.Refrigerant Handling Licence:The achievement of the qualification meets the training components for the full national Refrigerant Handling Licence which is required to work on refrigeration and air conditioning equipment that carries the risk of a fluorocarbon refrigerant being emitted while decanting the refrigerant or manufacturing, installing, commissioning, servicing, maintaining or decommissioning refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Occupational Licence:Additional and/or other conditions may apply in some jurisdictions subject to regulations related to refrigeration/air conditioning work. Practice in the workplace and during training is also subject to work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations.Electrical Occupation Licence:The achievement of this qualification with the core restricted electrical units meet the electrical regulatory requirements for related restricted electrical work in most state/territories. This is required to work on electrical installations which are designed to operate at voltages greater than 50 volt (V) alternating current (a.c.) or 120 V direct current (d.c.).
Qualification: Certificate III