Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement - MSL20122
Envirotech Education
Course Details
This qualification reflects the role of workers who perform a range of sampling and measurement activities as part of laboratory, production or field operations in the construction, manufacturing, resources and environmental industry sectors. Job roles include samplers and testers, production personnel, plant operators, production operators, field assistants, drivers and sample couriers.Samplers and testers conduct limited sampling and testing as part of their duties in a particular industry. They use a restricted range of skills and operational knowledge to perform tasks and do not generally work inside a laboratory. They:follow set procedures to sample raw materials and productsmay package, label, store and transport samplesuse simple equipment (hydrometers, thermometers and pH meters) to make measurements and perform basic tests that take a short time and involve a narrow range of variables and easily recognised control limitsmay make visual inspection of products and packaging.In some industry sectors (for example, mineral assay) this work forms a whole job role. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Qualification: Certificate II