Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course Details
This program provides students with a comprehensive foundation in the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, herbal medicine, biomedical sciences, and the role of a professional Chinese medicine practitioner in the Australian healthcare system. The broad educational base of the degree and the development of analytical skills offered within it will equip graduates to be life-long learners and will encourage them to develop a wider professional role in healthcare.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: The program includes extensive supervised clinical practice training at the Institute's teaching clinic and in a 400 hour intensive internship experience. Studies include: Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine; Biomedical sciences; Clinical studies; Clinical training; Professional and practice issues; Theoretical paradigms.
Applicants for the BTCM must meet at least one of the entry requirements, satisfy the English language requirements, and be selected in competition with other eligible applicants. Applicants are expected to have a keen interest in health care, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine.