Bachelor of Theatre
CQUniversity Australia
Course Details
The Bachelor of Theatre at CQUniversity has a carefully designed and performance-integrated structure that will enrich your learning experience. Choose to major in Drama, Music Theatre or Technical Theatre to suit your area of interest and career goals. Within a creative and supportive environment of performance-based training, you will have the opportunity to work in a number of full-scale productions in technical and creative roles. On completion, you will be a highly skilled and motivated creative performer who is ready for the workplace. You will develop a wide range of skills, all of which will be contextualised by studies in dramatic literature, theatre history and drama theory. During your education and training, you will develop advanced skills in problem-solving and creative, self-regulated and critical thinking, as well as enhance your singing and voice, acting, dance and movement skills. In addition, you will explore imagination and performance techniques and styles and cover production-related areas, such as lighting, sound and stage management.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 24 units (144 credit points)