Bachelor of Statistics
The Australian National University (ANU)
Course Details
Statistics opens the door to understanding our world through the exploration of data and the modelling of uncertainty. The need for statistics is growing rapidly as our ability to collect massive amounts of data outruns our ability to understand and use the data we collect. Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google, declared that “the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians”, as the challenge of understanding large, complex data structures mounts. It is estimated that 2.5 exabytes of data is generated every single day, with the accumulated amount of data doubling every 18 months, and that 90% of all data ever gathered was produced within the last two years. What’s more, statistics is critical for every discipline for which data play a role, and in responding to the world’s biggest challenges such as climate change, terrorism, health and medicine, and global economic conditions. Some of the world’s largest employers of statisticians include Google and Facebook as well as governments, financial institutions, medical and pharmaceutical industries, universities and many other sectors. By completing a BStat at ANU, you stand ready to meet humanity’s biggest challenges by understanding the world we observe through the eyes of data and statistical and probability modelling.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: The Bachelor of Statistics requires completion of 144 units, of which: A maximum of 60 units may come from completion of 1000-level courses, 96 units of compulsory courses and 48 units of electives.Student must complete one of the following 4 majors: applied statistics, probability and stochastic processes, statistical data analytics or theoretical statistics.
Career opportunities: Applied research, for example market research, Academic research, particularly social sciences, The Government sector employs statisticians to assist with policy/program development and evaluation, Business analyst within finance and banking sector