Bachelor of Social Work
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Social Work is a professionally recognized degree that prepares you to pursue a career as a social worker, working with people to enhance their wellbeing. As a social worker you will use principles of social justice, human rights and cultural safety to promote social change and empowerment by providing a range of skills in counselling, case management and community development. The course incorporates knowledge from social work, psychology, social policy, research and First Nations Peoples perspectives. With the Bachelor of Social Work, you will gain the knowledge and practical skills required to work with individuals, families, groups and communities in a safe and inclusive way with those in crisis, or impacted by poverty and social disadvantage. The course includes 20 days of face-to-face classes delivered in five-day intensive blocks, prior to placements. This requirement for completion of the degree meets the professional accreditation standards of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). Note: any travel and accommodation related expenses required to attend the intensives and placements are at the students expense.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)