Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
CQUniversity Australia
Course Details
The aim of this course is to give you a comprehensive overview of the scientific discipline of psychology and its applications. The course is delivered in accordance with the foundational (level one) competencies for three-year undergraduate psychology programs as specified by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). You will acquire an understanding of the underlying principles, theories and concepts within the discipline. In addition, you will develop knowledge of the range of core research areas that make up the discipline, and an understanding of the methodologies and statistical techniques used by researchers for information gathering and analysis. There will be opportunities for you to explore applied and professional uses of psychology. In addition, you will be introduced to psychological theory, research, and applied and professional uses of psychology in an ethical and culturally responsive context. Upon completion of this course, you will have a highly marketable qualification. This course is universally acknowledged as an indication of competence and achievement in understanding human thought and behaviour that can be applied in a variety of people-oriented vocations. Graduating with this qualification, however, will not allow you to call yourself a 'psychologist'. This requires further study involving an Honours course (4th year of study) and then an accredited Psychology Board of Australia pathway. Successful completion of an accredited three-year psychology sequence of study will mean you are eligible to apply for a competitive entry position in the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (CC42) at CQUniversity. Honours level study will prepare you for either the coursework necessary for conditional registration as a psychologist in Australia and/or research higher degree studies in psychology. Note: This course is designed for those with an existing bachelor degree and want to obtain an accredited three-year psychology sequence. If you do not have an existing degree, you will need to enrol in the Bachelor of Psychological Science (CC43).
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 24 units (144 credit points)