Bachelor of Paramedicine
Victoria University (VU)
Course Details
Pursue a challenging and rewarding career as a registered paramedic with a Bachelor of Paramedicine at Victoria University (VU). Develop the skills required to work as a registered paramedic in ambulance settings, primary healthcare settings, community healthcare settings and more. While studying your paramedicine degree at VU, you’ll be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Practise your technical and non-technical skills in VU’s safe spaces using sophisticated resources and gain the professional capabilities of a paramedic. You will study paramedicine theory in the classroom, and put theory into practice in high-fidelity simulation clinics, clinical-practice labs and during work-integrated learning (WIL). You will work with experienced registered health professionals and academics to develop your paramedic skills and graduate confident and ready for the job market.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: From 2024: To attain HBPD Bachelor of Paramedicine, students will be required to complete: 276 credit points of Core studies; 12 credit points of Electives.
All students enrolled in the Bachelor of Paramedicine degree will be required to undergo an annual National Police Check, a Working with Children Check (valid for 5 years), a medical check and a physical capacity test. Additionally, they must have vaccination documentation and a serology report that satisfies industry requirements before commencing placements in the clinical practice units of study. Annual police checks via Fit2Work and Working with children checks need to be completed prior to census date of Semester 1 of each year throughout the program. Prospective and continuing students should be aware that not passing relevant police checks and a Working with Children check may restrict access to placements necessary for graduation. inherent requirements must also be met. Applicants who do not meet the normal admission requirements in categories described above and possess appropriate qualifications, work or life experiences will be considered for admission.