Bachelor of Nursing
University of Newcastle
Course Details
Nurses are an essential part of the health care system and work to promote and maintain the health of individuals and communities. Nursing provides varied career opportunities and nurses fulfil diverse roles such as clinicians, educators, researchers and managers.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: The Bachelor of Nursing program offered by the University of Newcastle requires the completion of 240 units of approved courses, including: 190 units of core nursing courses; 20 units of core human bioscience courses; 10 units of core pharmacology courses; 10 units of core foundational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander courses; and 10 units of electives.
This degree requires students to participate in clinical placements in NSW health facilities, and as such there is a requirement to meet NSW Ministry of Health placement verification requirements. These requirements will include criminal record checks, screening and immunisations. Students are expected to comply with these requirements prior to undertaking clinical placements. The Bachelor of Nursing degree and future professional practice is both mentally and physically demanding. The award of this program degree depends on the student satisfactorily completing and passing all academic and clinical components.