Bachelor of Ministry
Perth Bible College
Course Details
This degree aims to produce Christian practitioners who are equipped to effectively take on leading roles in a variety of Christian ministries. As well as gaining a thorough academic grounding students also receive significant practical training as a major component in all the courses of the degree programme. For this reason students are required to lead seminars, make presentations, as well as be involved in hands on ministry in real life. All third year students are, furthermore, involved in Supervised Field Education which is designed to expose them to practical ministry for at least one full day a week.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 72 semester hours: Core: 30; Christian Formation: 3; Old Testament: 6; New Testament: 6; Electives: 9; Ministry Major [Pastoral, Counselling, Youth, Creative, Cross-Cultural: 12; Supervised Field Work: 6 semester hours
Some subjects are available online or externally.