Bachelor of Ministry and Theology
Avondale University
Course Details
The Bachelor of Ministry and Theology (BMinTh) is an undergraduate program designed for those who have felt the call of God to be ministers of the Gospel. The BMinTh is designed to prepare students to serve as ministers in the church and wider community. Students study units in church ministry, theology, and biblical studies, with an optional major in chaplaincy, extending career opportunities.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 32 units of 6 credit points spread over 4 years of full-time study; 2 units of Biblical languages; 1 introductory Psychology unit; 1 unit of Seventh-day Adventist History and Heritage; 1 unit of Youth Ministry; 8 units (a major) in Biblical Studies; 8 units (a major) in Theology; 8 units (a major) in Church Ministry; 3 elective units
Alternative entry pathways are available.