Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Global Studies
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Course Details
This unique degree is designed to develop an awareness of the broader context in which legal issues arise including the political, historical, philosophical and economic dimensions. The Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Global Studies also offers an international education, and you will be required to study abroad (ACU has over 60 partner institutions around the world) and/or do an internship that provides international work experience in your third year. You will also complete 80 hours of pro bono work (after your first year), providing you with firsthand experience of the legal system while allowing you to contribute to the common good. The Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Global Studies produces well-rounded graduates ready for legal practice and a range of professional careers in an increasingly global environment.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: 400 credit points. You will complete 80 hours pro bono experience (after your first year) which will count as credit for a compulsory community engagement unit (10cp).
This double degree is designed to produce well-rounded graduates ready for legal practice and a wide range of professional careers in an increasingly global environment. Graduates can pursue a range of legal careers including: private legal practice as a solicitor or barrister; legal officer in the public sector (for example in federal or state government departments and publicly-funded organisations such as universities or public broadcasters); in-house counsel to a wide range of organisations from corporations to trade unions; public interest legal work in community legal centres; and legal research. Completing this double degree is also excellent preparation for a career in areas as diverse as the public sector, both local and international; government service, including diplomatic service, both local and international; the United Nations system and other international organisations; social entrepreneurship and companies with a global outreach; international relations; journalism, including travel journalism; and travel and tourism.