Bachelor of Information Technology / Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
This course offers a sound education in all aspects of computing and information technology for students who intend to make a career in the profession, as well as providing a pathway to honours, postgraduate study and a research career. The course adopts a practice-based approach to IT education. Its content is designed with a mix of theory and practice. As well as gaining strong technical skills in IT, students gain skills in problem solving, teamwork and communication. Employers look for graduates with industry experience and, in this course, students are exposed to real IT problems and apply classroom learning on the job through the Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice. UTS: Information Technology continues to support part-time study with some subjects offered in the evening as well as during the day.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Students are required to complete 192 credit points, comprising 48 credit points of core subjects, 48 credit points for one compulsory IT major, 48 credit points of electives and 48 credit points for the Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice. The 48 credit points of electives can be a combination of a second IT major, or two sub-majors, or one sub-major and four electives, or eight electives to broaden knowledge of information technology and other disciplines. The Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice is a compulsory part of this course and incorporates a minimum nine months' internship and four supporting subjects at UTS. Full-time students normally undertake the diploma after completing Year 2 and after obtaining suitable full-time employment in the information technology industry. International students can work full-time for the duration of the diploma.
Credit recognition is not normally granted in this course for study completed at a private college except where UTS has an external articulation agreement with the college. There are no exemptions granted for the networking subjects 31270, 31277 and 31283 without the successful completion of the challenge test for each of these subjects. A challenge test is granted at enrolment time to students who have completed the CCNA curriculum (or CCNP) at a university and/or TAFE diploma level where the awarding institution is a CISCO Networking Academy. These challenge tests are always held in the week before the commencement of session.