Bachelor of Environmental Biology
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Environmental Biology focuses strongly on ecosystem protection and management, and in practical experience undertaken during field excursions. Students are introduced to the latest findings by lecturers actively engaged in research solutions to environmental problems such as climate change and sustainability. Studies focus on the foundation components of the natural systems, how these systems work, and how detrimental impacts on them can be assessed and recovered. This course gives students a thorough understanding of the way living organisms function in terrestrial and aquatic environments, acquisition of skills to study them and the ability to detect and assess detrimental effects on the environment such as climate change, pollution and human resource use. Students learn these skills and concepts through a dynamic combination of theory, field and laboratory experiences. Excursions undertaken in the seniors years are particularly valued for the opportunities they provide to consolidate knowledge, apply new skills and learning through experience. Career options in environmental sciences include positions as scientific officers, research scientists in organisations concerned with environmental protection, national parks and wildlife, water and coastal resources, CSIRO, and at universities in research, or as an environmental analysts and consultants. Graduates are also employed by local, state or Commonwealth agencies as education officers, environmental officers or managers of parks, reserves and bushland and consulting firms, as teachers at schools and TAFE, and in the private sector as environmental and sustainability consultants.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Students must complete a total of 144 credit points, made up of 120 credit points of core subjects and 24 credit points of elective subjects. The elective subjects enable students to increase their expertise in other areas of science or in other disciplines in the University. This can be in the form of a specialised 24-credit-point sub-major or by a varied selection of subjects. Students must satisfactorily complete all core subjects and the required number of credit points of elective/sub-major subjects for award of the degree. Students can complete the course over three years full time. Full-time attendance involves approximately 20 hours each week on campus. Students may also be able to complete the course part time, usually at the rate of two subjects a session (a 50 per cent load), taking six years to complete. Part-time students are required to attend some classes in daytime hours.
Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.