Bachelor of Engineering Science / Bachelor of Laws
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Course Details
The Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws is offered jointly by UTS: Law and UTS: Engineering and is awarded with two testamurs. The course was developed in response to growing demand for legal services in areas in which an in-depth appreciation of complex technical matters is essential. It provides an overview of the legal system as a whole and an in-depth knowledge of an engineering specialisation. The program provides full-time study for students wishing to obtain a professional legal qualification that satisfies the academic requirements only for admission as a lawyer together with a specialisation in engineering science. The course addresses the increasing need for technical expertise and legal knowledge, which are highly sought after in both private law firms and the engineering industry. Graduates develop critical and analytical skills, combined with a strong industry focus, essential for an understanding of the complex links between engineering and the law. Career options include professions as a lawyer in areas of environmental law, technology legislation and technology-specific criminal law; consultant, legal adviser or manager to engineering corporations in Australia and overseas.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: The course comprises 264 credit points and allows students to graduate with the separate degrees of Bachelor of Engineering Science and Bachelor of Laws. The study components for course completion are as follows. The law component is made up of 108 credit points of compulsory core law subjects; 30 credit points of law options; and 6 credit points of legal theory options. The engineering component comprises 120 credit points of study, consisting of the core subjects in the Bachelor of Engineering Science and the field of practice subjects associated with the chosen engineering major. The course is normally completed in five-and-a-half years of full-time study. The hours of full-time attendance are approximately 17 hours a week and timetable constraints may require attendance at daytime and evening classes in the law component.
To practise as a lawyer in NSW, students need to successfully complete an accredited legal academic qualification (e.g. Bachelor of Laws) and an accredited course of practical legal training (PLT), which UTS offers through its PLT program. Students enrolled in this course may complete their practical legal training by undertaking a postgraduate course in PLT, such as the Graduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice. Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.