Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering)
Victoria University (VU)
Course Details
Get set for an exciting career inventing devices and generating clever solutions to engineering challenges, with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) from VU.Mechanical engineers use their in-depth knowledge of the physical sciences and maths to improve the quality of life on Earth. Recent engineering breakthroughs include 3D printing machines, unmanned vehicles and high-performance prostheses.Our Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering) degree focuses on modelling and simulation of components, machines, processes and systems.You’ll work on real problems and projects in the workplace and community. This ensures that you are career-ready when you graduate.Our degree prepares you for work a wide range areas, including:computer-aided engineering designmodelling and simulationtransport systemsmachine health monitoringdesign of medical devices and prosthesesminingdefencemanufacturing.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Honours)
Course structure: To attain the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering), students will be required to complete 384 credit points, consisting of:96 credit points of First Year Core studies;288 credit points of Core Mechanical Engineering studies.Students are required to produce documented evidence of the completion of 12 weeks professional experience.Accreditation:This program is accredited by Engineers Australia and graduates are eligible to apply for graduate membership.First Class Honours:To be eligible for completion with First Class Honours, students must achieve:A minimum weighted average of 60% over year levels 1 to 3;A minimum weighted average of 80% in year level 4;An average HD grade for the final year units, NEF4101 Research Project 1 and NEF4201 Research Project 2
First Class Honours: To be eligible for completion with First Class Honours student must achieve: A minimum weighted average of 60% over year levels 1 to 3; A minimum weighted average of 80% in year level 4; A HD grade for the final year Capstone Project 2 unit.