Bachelor of Education
Griffith University
Course Details
Become a teacher in just three and half yearsThis program prepares students to teach in primary or secondary settings. Students undertake a foundation first year and then choose to pursue either primary or secondary education from Year 1/Trimester 3. Gaining practical experience from first year, students undertake professional practice throughout the degree which includes observation and participation in schools, practice teaching and community field studies.If choosing primary education, majors areEarly childhood education (Logan or Online) Health and physical education (Gold Coast or Online) Special needs education (Mt Gravatt or Online)Primary education minors are also offered in English, mathematics or science.If choosing secondary education, students undertake studies in two teaching areas or one area and a major in learning support (Mt Gravatt and Online). Teaching area content courses may be offered on-campus only and students should check the timetable for individual courses as to whether they can be completed online. Students may need to travel to another campus to undertake courses specific to a Secondary Teaching Area that are not offered on their home campus.Note: The Australian Federal Government has mandated that all students of initial teacher education programs demonstrate they have been assessed as being in the top 30%% of the adult population for personal literacy and numeracy. The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) is administered and managed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). While this is not a requirement for admission, all students will need to organise and demonstrate a pass result in all components of the LANTITE prior to graduation.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)