Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Edith Cowan University (ECU)
Course Details
This nationally accredited course is dedicated to producing future teachers ready to enter the primary education teaching profession. A key feature of this course is the range and number of professional practice experiences offered to Pre-Service Teachers, ensuring they can make the essential connection between theory and practice, while building both professional and generic employability skills in real teaching environments. Partnerships between ECU and over 1,000 schools and early learning centres allow for Pre-Service Teachers to gain experience in diverse settings, including public, private, metropolitan, regional, rural or remote schools, working with children from diverse economic, social, ethnic and educational backgrounds. Final year Pre-Service Teachers can apply for a place in the internship program in a school. Pre-Service Teachers also have the opportunity to complete a formal specialisation in their Primary Education qualification. This enables you to obtain a deeper and broader level knowledge and understanding in a particular Learning Area at the graduate level. Units are also available in the degree that enable students to complete accreditation requirements to teach in Catholic schools.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: Total Credit Points 480