Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Griffith University
Course Details
This Honours program has been designed to enable students who have demonstrated substantial ability at an undergraduate level to develop advanced levels of studio practice, supporting theory and an advanced level of research understanding.While studying Design (Honours), you'll have the ability to choose a project or topic that you're passionate about and have the space and access to studios, software and equipment to explore that further.Graduate outcomesOur design graduates will have unprecedented opportunity to contribute and lead in vital new forms of social and economic development. Designers work across a range of fields roles, including interior design, product and service design and graphic design as well as interactive and 4D design.Tailor your timetableEven if you study full-time on-campus, you may still be able to customise your degree to suit your needs. From a range of tutorial times to online access to lectures and other course material, we're here to help you fit study in with your work and life commitments.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Honours)