Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Federation University Australia
Course Details
This degree will prepare you for work in state and federal police, in courts and corrections, government departments and for work in community based agencies delivering criminal justice programs.Youll learn to understand crime data, why crime rates and types vary in different countries and across remote, regional and urban settings. Youll also learn to evaluate the effectiveness of different crime prevention strategies and policies, as well as develop a knowledge of criminal justice programs in international jurisdictions.You will engage with debates about the interaction between the criminal justice system and groups in society who are over represented as victims, offenders or both. Consider the influence of factors such as disadvantage, ethnicity, aboriginality, disability, age and gender and the effect of these factors on access to justice.In this degree, students develop the practical skills and knowledge to prepare them for work or further study. Assessments are informed by practical examples of the requirements of industry, practical experience in the field and presentations by those already in the field. This course also offers foundational research knowledge for students wanting to pursue post graduate studies or who would like to develop their research skills in industry. You can also choose to complete either a second major (8 courses) or two minors (4 courses each) from specified study areas.Major options: Community and Human Services, Behavioural Studies, Sociology, IT security.Minor options: Community and Human Services, Behavioural Studies, Sociology, IT security, Writing. Indigenous Studies.The degree was developed in consultation from students, justice and community based agencies.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: This program consists of 360 credit points.
Further information: study.federation.edu.au