Bachelor of Communication (Advertising and Public Relations)
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Course Details
In this course you will learn to plan, execute and evaluate advertising and PR campaigns that drive sales and impact consumer behaviour. You will learn skills including advertising theory and practice, copywriting, media planning, advertising management, consumer behaviour and public relations planning and techniques. This course reflects the industry trend toward full-service agency approaches to communication and is designed to help you develop the skills and make the contacts you will need as a graduate entrant to the workplace. Your studies will help you learn how to think critically and research effectively, so you can develop smart organisational communication that responds to the pressures of complex environments. These skills mean you will be ready to face the challenges of whatever fast-changing context you will be working in. You’ll be equipped to create and plan behavioural change campaigns, communicate using a variety of media channels, and engage effectively with different audiences, such as employees, customers, communities and governments. Your studies will be rounded out by a choice of either a second major or minors and electives such as work integrated learning, internships or international study tours that allow you to graduate work ready through engagement with industry.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree (Pass)
Course structure: To meet the course requirements of the Bachelor of Communication (Advertising and Public Relations), you must complete a total of 288 credit points, made up of: an advertising and public relations major (144 credit points) four core units (48 credit points) complementary studies: a second major (96 credit points), two minors (48 credit points each), or one minor (48 credit points) and 48 credit points chosen from unit options (electives).
QUT offers a range of scholarships that provide real support for students. Our offer guarantee can give you peace of mind about your study choices. If you receive an ATAR or selection rank equal to or higher than the offer guarantee, you are guaranteed a place in the course regardless of the threshold. This means that when you know your ATAR or selection rank you can check your eligibility for a QUT course before receiving an offer. You still need to lodge a QTAC application by the closing date. A small number of courses do not participate in the offer guarantee scheme.